Sunday, June 22, 2008

What a week!

After daddy was busy studying for the LSAT for 3 weeks, he was finally able to assemble Mattie's new rocking horse, and it was a hit!
Bubbles are always a hit as well... Here Mattie is enjoying the bubbles at Auntie Lee's Baby Shower... unfortunately the batteries died in the camera before I could get some photos of Mattie w/ her friends Tatum and Sylvie, who attended the party as well. And yes, it was approximately 96 degrees outside in this photo at 5:30PM!
Sunday was mommy and daddy's 6 year wedding anniversary. To celebrate the occasion Mattie got to ride the carosel at Fashion Island w/ daddy, while mommy melted w/ the camera, because yes, it was in the 90's again....

1 comment:

Nadine said...

Happy Anniversary! 6 years?!? How can we be so old?