Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The LB Aquarium (did you expect us to go somewhere else?)

Mattie is finally feeling better so we met our friends at the aquarium again!
Mattie gets "up close and personal" with a sea lion, she loves them! But she seems to think they are dogs, she makes her doggie ruff ruff sounds when she sees them! I guess the faces are kinda similar...
She loves climbing on this boat b/c mommy can't get her w/out getting all wet from the kids spraying the front section....
Another view of the seals and sea lions... Mattie checks them out again with Sylvie and Nadine in the background...
Time for a snack after the aquarium. We like to look at the boats in the harbor and of course the pigeons are pretty cool too.... So glad my baby is feeling better!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Looks like such a fun day!