Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kiddie Gym

Mattie has been going to "Kiddie Gym" since last fall on Tuesday mornings. I decided to finally bring the camera to document for daddy what she has been doing. I got some cute pics so they are ending up on the blog....
Mattie's newest thing is hanging from the swinging bars like a monkey, and she is even trying to hang upside down by her knees, but she hasn't mastered it enough yet for me to let go and take a picture....

She walks the balance beam with little help from mommy....

And her favorite part of class (and of the week) is the trampoline. Whenever we even drive near the site where kiddie gym is held she points and says jump. I just call it "jumping class" now since she has gotten so good at her trampoline moves... she is even doing pretty well at waiting her turn while we go around the circle and give each kid a turn. Last fall, she would have tantrums while waiting her turn, now she cheers on her classmates!


Nadine said...

She looks like SUCH A BIG KID!!

Sarah said...

What a patient girl!! And, yes,she does look like such a big girl!